We welcome US registered architects, foreign registered architects, architectural interns/assistant architects, students of architecture, and members of allied professions. Membership dues are calculated on a calendar year, January to December. New member dues are pro-rated quarterly.

All membership categories are listed here on the AIA website.





  • Eligibility: Registered architect in the US

  • Dues: AIA National dues + AIA ME Chapter dues ($85 per year)

  • Benefits: AIA National Benefits + ME Chapter Benefits


  • Eligibility: US educated architectural interns/assistant architects

  • Dues: AIA National dues + AIA ME Chapter dues ($60 per year)

  • Benefits: AIA National Benefits + ME Chapter Benefits

International Associate

  • Eligibility: Registered architect in another non-USA jurisdiction

  • Dues: AIA National dues + AIA ME Chapter dues ($85 per year)

  • Benefits: AIA National Benefits + ME Chapter Benefits

Professional Affiliates

  • Eligibility: Professionals who are affiliated with the profession of architecture or a related design profession

  • Dues: AIA ME Chapter dues ($110 per year).

  • Benefits: ME Chapter Benefits


  • Eligibility: Student of architecture or a related design profession

  • Dues: AIA ME Chapter dues are FREE.

  • Benefits: ME Chapter Benefits


  • When a person becomes an Architect, Associate, or International Associate member, s/he is ordinarily assigned to the chapter in whose territory s/he either resides or works. 

  • When a member moves his/her residence or principal place of business to another chapter’s territory, s/he may either retain assignment to the original chapter or transfer assignment to the new chapter. 

  • In special cases, upon receiving written application from a member, the Institute’s Secretary may assign a member to a chapter that is neither the legal residence nor principal place of business of the member.

  • Architect and Associate members who are not assigned to a component under other provisions of the Bylaws are members only of the Institute.  This typically applies to new members who live and work outside the United States and beyond the territories of the AIA’s overseas chapters.  Architect and Associate members who are not assigned and who establish residence or a principal place of business in the territory of a component will be assigned membership in the component



The American Institute of Architects has very clear regulations as per its By-Lawsregarding the proper way to present your professional association with the AIA and the credentials used with your name.


The AIA credential may be affixed after your last name only if you meet the following criteria: You have a valid architectural license from a U.S. licensing authority and have completed the Intern Development Program (IDP), passed the US Architectural Registration Exam (ARE) as administered by NCARB and are currently licensed in at least one US State.


The FAIA credential may be affixed after your last name only if you are an AIA architect and have been elevated to fellow status by the AIA College of Fellows. This membership is bestowed to AIA Architects who have made exceptional contributions to the profession and the American Institute of Architects.

AIA International Associate

The Intl. Assoc. AIA credential may be affixed after your last name only if you are an individual who has a valid license to practice architecture from a non-U.S. licensing authority and are eligible for AIA International Associate membership.  This means that you have a valid architectural license from a country outside the United States of America.

AIA Associate

The Assoc. AIA credential may be used with your name only if you meet the following criteria: Have a professional degree in architecture; currently work under the supervision of an architect; currently enrolled in the Intern Development Program (IDP) and working toward licensure; or faculty member in a university program in architecture.

All of the above may only be affixed to your name as long as your membership dues are current and you remain in good standing with the AIA.  If your membership lapses or you decide to discontinue membership, you must remove the appropriate AIA designation from your name until such time as membership is reinstated.

As the future of our profession we strongly encourage students to join the AIA and take advantage of the free membership during their academic years.  However, there are no credentials associated with student membership, and therefore students may not utilize any of the above credentials after their name unless they also meet the required criteria.

All members must adhere to these rules on business cards, resumes (CVs), social media profiles (i.e. LinkedIn), etc.  We therefore request that you respect the rules and regulations of the American Institute of Architects as set by its By-Laws. Please also note that non-compliance of the aforementioned will result in the issuance of Cease and Desist letters from the AIA’s Legal Counsel for misrepresentation of qualifications.