/Click to Update Your Profile!As part of our ongoing efforts to grow our chapter and identify opportunities across the region, AIA Middle East is preparing a member directory to identify and expand our network. The member directory will be published digitally and distributed accordingly.
We are calling on all of our members to access their profiles and check that the information contained in our database is accurate and up to date. Additionally you are requested to authorize AIA ME to publish your contact information in the directory and share that information with our sponsors (or not!) It shouold be noted that your support is greatly appreciated by all of us at AIA ME in particular, our sponsors whose support of our activities make all of this possible.
Please click on the button to gain access our database by filling in the e-mail address you have registered with AIA (most likely the same address you receive our newsletter.) You will be sent a secure e-mail with a secure link to the database where you can modify your profile. We encourage you to fill in as much (or as little) data you would like to see published in the directory. We will ONLY publish work addresses, phone numbers, e-mail and web site addresses so please bear that in mind.
If you or your company are interested in advertising in the AIA Middle East Directory, please e-mail; if there is enough interest, we will contact you further.